Synergy Real Estate: Η χρηματοπιστωτική ανασφάλεια «αφυπνίζει» το αγοραστικό ενδιαφέρον για ακίνητα

Αναγκαία η παρεμβολή του κράτους για ρύθμιση των τιμών στα ακίνητα Από αριστερά προς δεξιά: Μιράντα Νασσίφ (office administrator), Δημήτρης Αγκαβανάκης (graphic designer – photo editor), Δημήτρης Δημητρίου (agent), Άντρη Κορνηλίου (agent), Σάββας Ομήρου (agent), Πολύβιος Συμεωνίδης (agent), Νίκολα Καρατζιά (Media & Communications manager), Παναγιώτης Τόφας (Sales manager), Αντρέας Αντρέου (Rentals manager), Χριστόδουλος Κυριάκου (CEO), […]

Top Tips for Buying a House in Cyprus

buy house in Cyprus

Introduction Cyprus is a beautiful place with friendly people and a great property market. The island offers plenty of opportunities for new homeowners who want to buy a house in Cyprus or invest in properties for short-term rental income. However, there are many pitfalls that can cost you money and time if you’re not careful. […]

Οι τάσεις στην αγορά ακινήτων το 2023

Σε δύο επίπεδα θα κινηθεί η αγορά ακινήτων στην Κύπρο το 2023, σύμφωνα με τον CEO της Synergy Real Estate, Χριστόδουλο Κυριάκου και τον Sales Manager της εταιρείας, Παναγιώτη Τόφας, οι οποίοι προβλέπουν, ότι η δυναμική που ανέπτυξε η ξένη επενδυτική αγορά θα παραμείνει αναλλοίωτη ενώ υπολογίζεται ότι η εγχώρια ζήτηση θα επιβραδυνθεί.  Όπως σημειώνουν σε συνέντευξη, οι τιμές […]

Apartments for Sale in Nicosia – A Complete Guide

The stunning scenery, the Mediterranean climate, and amazing landmarks aren’t the only things that draw people to move to Nicosia. The capital city of Cyprus offers incredible benefits such as an adequate cost of living, and is considered the country’s finance and business hub, with many people relocating here with business at the forefront of […]

What you need to know about property valuations in Cyprus

If you are thinking of selling your home within the next year, you must first determine its current market value. This can be done through our expert property valuations in Cyprus. The home value or else market value, is the amount of money that interested buyers are willing to pay for your home, and knowing […]

Apartments for Rent in Nicosia – A Complete Guide

Are you considering looking for an apartment for rent in Nicosia? Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus serves as a hub for various opportunities and the country’s rich cultural scene. So, why choose to live in this city? First of all, it offers incredible benefits such as a low cost of living, a low crime rate, […]